Friday, 19 June 2015

UCAN Excel Exhibitions

On Wednesday 17th June, the first of the Year 9 and 10 U-CAN Excel Exhibitions were held for 2015.  Students presented their Semester 1 projects in front of an audience made up of parents, teachers, and students from around the school.  This year we had an amazing array of projects (see below).   
This day presented a fantastic opportunity for students to share their passions, accomplishments, and triumphs with others.  It also gave them a chance to reflect on some of the things they could improve on, how they best learn, and the process involved in U-CAN Excel.  
All up, the day was a huge success (and lots of fun) with a guest reading of a student’s picture book, Seeds, and a screening of “Death Squad”, the latest episode of Wombat Hospital.  Students and parents mingled over morning tea and shared some of their ideas for next semester.   
Thankfully it’s not over quite yet; we get to do it all again in Term 4!
- Ms Siemionow

UCAN Excel Projects Exhibition:
Writing a Novel
D&D Campaign and Book Reviews
Wombat Hospital: Live animation filmed series
Speculative Fiction
Writing a Novella
Designing an Airport for Broome
Pharmaceutical Factsheets
Biology and Beyond: Research Paper
Writing and Illustrating a Picture Book
2D Game Design
Saddle Design and Horse Training for Inclusivity.