Thursday, 19 February 2015

Welcome to the UCHSK Blog!

'School Farm' photo by Stephen Hood 

 Welcome to the inaugural UCHSK Blog! Isn't it pretty?

We are rolling this out to staff first to work out any bumps and lumps before going publicly live in Term 2.  We’re hoping that a blog may be more dynamic than the website – a bit easier to navigate and a good source of  informal information for our rapidly growing school community.
To that end, any thoughts, photos, stories or suggestions would be welcomed…please forward to Bernie or Al anything you think staff, parents and students would get a kick out of seeing here.

 The secret to our possible success with blogging is to engage our school community – not so easy with the website; so if people are coming here to read about what’s happening around the school, what the students are up to, and whether or not the goats have given birth, the knock on effect may be that notes come back more efficiently, assignments get done and we get a bunch of families keen to wait-list for the holiday Farm Roster.  We can only hope!