Our Ms Siemionow is very passionate about Literacy, so much so she has made a Prezi to support our UCHSK Reading Tutor Program.
The Prezi, written specifically for volunteers, is structured around reading support for secondary students. For secondary students, reading priorities are fluency, to enhance understanding, independent management and responsibility. Ms S explains that the focus on reading support resources is primary age based and that there are few resources available appropriately aimed at supporting secondary students despite the fact research shows there are significant issues that need to be addressed in reading fluency in high school students.
Ms Siemionow's Prezi has been put together as a workshop to help our volunteers for the UCHSK Reading Tutor Program however, it can be used by parents interested in supporting their students with reading at home.
UCHSK places great importance on student reading fluency to enhance understanding for greater effect across all classes. Those interested in volunteering for our Reading Tutor Program are welcomed to get in touch with the school to discuss this. A Working With Vulnerable People card is required, and these are available without cost to volunteers.