The UCHSK 2015 Year 10 Formal was held last night with no pomp and ceremony - but a good deal of fun instead.
By all accounts it was an excellent night, with our Year 10 group celebrating the end of their four years at UCHSK by getting frocked up and looking fabulous!
We have a ritual at UCHSK, when Year 7's start at the school they are clapped in to join their place in the Gym for their first UCHSK Assembly...4 years later they are clapped out again - moving down the congratulatory line of UCHSK staff, shaking hands, getting hugs and making staff cry. It's nice. Today, Year 10 Coordinator Mr Barry gave a lovely speech full of excellent advice that, hopefully, all in attendance will take on board...and then the very grown-up kids that we've grown to be very fond of, walked the line of staff and ...went to the pool.

Well done Year 10 2015! We wish you well and look forward to finding out what life has in store for each and every one of you!
Miss us!