Wednesday, 26 October 2016

UCHSK Uniform Shop News

As student numbers continue to flourish at UCHSK, it has become increasingly difficult to hold enough stock of our school uniforms at the school to meet demand. With this in mind, we have been in negotiations with our uniform supplier surrounding the possibility of outsourcing our sales to a shopfront.
 We are excited to announce that we are in the final stages of transitioning uniform sales to a store nearby (approx. 10 – 15 mins drive away)!
As such, we now hold minimal stock at the school in the hopes that the store will be in a position to commence sales of our uniform around mid-November.  If there are any urgent uniform requests in the meantime, we will certainly do our best to fill your order (please note however that there will be a delay of around two weeks if items need to be ordered in). All uniform orders received to date have also been processed.
It is anticipated that there will be multiple benefits to families being able to access our uniforms offsite with the store being open Saturdays, school holidays and having the convenience of online ordering. The store will also stock generic navy track pants and shorts.
All families will be emailed details of where to purchase our uniforms once the store is up and running, so watch this space!
If you have any queries, please contact the Front Office on 62055811 J