It's the last days of the 2015 school year. At UCHSK that means it's time to start to decompress from the whiplash of the year streaking by, so it's 'Activities Time' for young and old. Teaching staff are invited to suggest and run activities that lean to their own interests, so we have Mr Rolfe taking students Mountain Biking...

Mr Stirling is running Dodgeball and Futsal sessions...

and Ms Siemionow doing Blackout Poetry...

There have also been Henna sessions, Dungeons and Dragons, Self-Defence and Japanese Crafts and Movies. A little something for everyone and a nice opportunity for teachers to share a different side of themselves in an informal way, and for the students to possibly discover a new skill or interest they might like to explore further. At the end of the day, it seems like a good way to sign off - keep the kids engaged and tire them out for parents when they go home! You're welcome ;) !