Friday, 7 August 2015

UCHSK P & C Report

From our illustrious P & C President President:

The UCHSK P&C is a small and friendly group of parents who are keen to do our bit to support the school. The P&C met last Wednesday night.
We talked about the success of the recent Trivia Night. The P&C really appreciates the hard work of Jeanette Krah and Penny Haisman who organised the event. It was a great night and ticked quite a few boxes in terms of what we are aiming for as a parent body – raising some money, helping with social connections in the school community and strengthening ties between the schools in our cluster. Over $900 was raised for our school, with even more going to our friends at Maribynong Primary (they had a higher proportion of people coming on the night). We are hoping to do it again next year.

Early next term the P&C are planning to run another slice drive. Last year lots of families bought yummy biscuits and slices through this simple fund raising event, so we want to do it again. Watch out for the note coming home later in term 3 and place your orders early term 4.  P&C fund raising means resources for the school. Over $4,000 of P&C funds were recently used in the school library to purchase much needed books and other resources.

Results from the parent survey about the P&C are now in and have given us some interesting things to think about. We really appreciate those people who passed on their contact details for future P&C events. In the big picture what we are planning to do with the help of the survey information is to shape our purpose going forward and develop a plan for the year ahead.

P&C meetings are an opportunity to hear from the principal and to share parent feedback with him. Denis shared in his principal’s report about some of the challenges and opportunities in the school at the moment, including the engagement of experienced education specialist Michael King to act as a consultant for a vision and planning process.
As part of that process, the P&C really encourages all past, present and future school parents and carers to come along to the community forum being held next Thursday night, 13 August. This is a unique opportunity to have a voice in the future of our school. Michael King is the facilitator of the workshop. RSVP to the school if you are planning to come.

The week of 17-21 August is officially National Support Staff week, and the P&C extends our appreciation for all the wonderful support staff in our school and the difference they make for our students.

Our P&C is part of a wider association of similar groups throughout the ACT. The P&C Council regularly alerts us to interesting issues affecting schools. This gives us a chance to be part of a bigger parent forum and to think about and participate in discussions which have an impact on the education of all Canberra public school students.
The UCHSK P&C meets at the school on Wednesday nights from 6pm to 7pm in week 3 and week 8 of each term. All welcome. Feel free to contact us in the meantime at

Elissa Steel
P&C President